
Químicos / Plásticos

Libro blanco (4)

  • Unlocking the potential: The role of ball mills in battery technology

    This paper provides a comprehensive overview of the general use of ball mills and their application in battery technology. It covers the wide range of ball mill applications throughout the battery manufacturing process, from raw materials to recycling. The benefits of using ball mills are illustrated by ten specific application examples taken from research and quality control. Specific information on the details of the grinding process is provided to give an in-depth understanding of ball mill technology.
  • White Paper. Different sieving methods for a variety of applications

    The determination and knowledge of the particle size distribution is an essential part of the quality control process for industrial products. Easy handling, low investment cost and high accuracy make sieve analysis one of the most frequently used procedures for measuring the particle size. This white paper gives an overview of the different sieving techniques and describes the necessary steps to ensure reliable results.
  • White Paper: Cryogenic Preparation of Sample Materials

    A solid sample material should always be sufficiently prepared by size reduction and homogenization before it is subjected to chemical or physical analysis. Care should be taken that the analysis sample fully represents the original material and that the sample preparation process is carried out reproducibly. Most sample materials can be reduced to the required analytical fineness at room temperature by choosing a mill with a suitable size reduction principle (impact, pressure, friction, shearing, cutting).
  • White Paper: Ultrafine Grinding with Laboratory Ball Mills

    How are nano particles produced? The “Bottom-Up” method synthesizes particles from atoms or molecules. The “Top-Down” method involves reducing the size of larger particles to nanoscale, for example with laboratory mills. Nano particles are produced by colloidal grinding which involves dispersion of the particles in liquid to neutralize the surface charges. Factors such as energy input and size reduction principle make ball mills the best choice for the production of nanoparticles.

Folletos (3)

Informes técnicos (15)

  • La nueva generación de molinas planetarios de bolas

    Los más precisos resultados de trituración en el más breve tiempo se consiguen con los nuevos molinos planetarios de bolas, de Retsch. Con el PM100 y el PM200, Retsch presenta una nueva generación de molinos planetarios de bolas con uno o dos unidades de trituración, que establecen nuevos estándares de rendimiento en este segmento de la producción.
  • Los especial del pigmento

    Debido a la ilimitada variedad de colores y texturas que ofrencen los recubrimientos en polvo; muchos de los nuevos recubrimientosde aplicación especifica se crean en el laboratorio en pequeñas cantidades que luego se le envían al cliente para su aplicación y aprobación.
  • Materias primas renovables a la vanguardia

    Particularidades de la preparación de plantas
  • Metales pesados en juguetes

    De la trituración al análisis
  • Molienda ultrarrápida y ultrafina

    El nuevo molino ultracentrífugo ZM 200 de RETSCH es un molino de rotor no sólo extremadamente rápido y cuidadoso con el material molido, sino también de uso universal gracias a su amplia gama de accesorios.
  • Preparación de muestras altamente heterogéneas para el control de calidad

    El agotamiento de los recursos y el aumento del precio de los combustibles primarios tales como el petróleo, el gas o el carbón han obligado a la industria del cemento a buscar fuentes alternativas de energía. Otro factor contribuyente es, sin duda, el comercio de emisiones que hace todavía más rentable el cambio a fuentes de energía con un balance neutro de CO2, en su mayoría combustibles no fósiles. En los últimos años, se ha registrado un incremento en el uso de fuentes de energía alternativas, especialmente por aquellas industrias con una alta demanda energética. En consecuencia, viene ganando cada vez más importancia el empleo de combustibles secundarios o alternativos, que en su mayoría son extraídos de residuos urbanos e industriales – es decir, residuos urbanos que no han podido ser recuperados ni reciclados.
  • Preparación de muestras para el análisis por fluorescencia de rayos X

    De la muestra al comprimido
  • White Paper: Análisis por tamizado - diferentes métodos de tamizado para diversas aplicaciones

    Un gran número de propiedades físicas y químicas dependen del tamaño de las partículas. Desde la inspección de entrada y el control de producción hasta la investigación y el desarrollo, los análisis por tamizado se utilizan para determinar diversos parámetros o simplemente el tamaño de las partículas. En este artículo se presenta un resumen de las diferentes técnicas de tamizado y de los pasos necesarios para asegurar unos resultados precisos.
  • Air Jet Sieving of Bulk Materials

    Particle size analysis and particle size distribution are important criteria for the quality control of bulk materials. In a running production process, the results of a quality check must be available quickly to allow for immediate adjustment of the production parameters. Depending on the expected particle size and sample volume, different sieving methods and sieving machines are suitable for analysis. The method used for particle size analysis is primarily determined by the fineness of the material to be sieved. For dry sieving of samples with particle sizes below 40 microns, air jet sieving is the method of choice.
  • Mechanochemistry: Working Toward a Sustainable Future

    In the light of sustainability and Green Chemistry, mechanochemistry offers fast reactions in a solvent-free environment. Mass productivities often exceed the solvent-based reaction equivalents, and the work-up procedures are generally easier. Beside thermal, electrochemical and photochemical energy supply, a less known form of mechanochemistry is based on energy input by impact and shearing forces; typically ball mills are used to conduct those reactions. This article gives examples how mixer mills and planetary ball mills are successfully used to conduct mechanochemical processes.
  • Mixer Mill MM 400: Upgrade of a True Multipurpose Mill

    With the Mixer Mill MM 400 RETSCH has developed a true multipurpose mill which covers a huge range of applications, including classic mixing and homogenization but also more complex tasks like cell disruption via bead beating or mechanochemical processes. The ease of use of mixer mills in general, combined with a wealth of accessories make the MM 400 the perfect choice for quick, safe and reproducible processing of small sample volumes.
  • Representative results require adequate sample preparation

    The following situation is typical for many production plants: After a routine quality check, the production process is stopped or an already produced batch is suspended, because the analysis results were not within the relevant critical values. But does the tested product really deviate from the specifications? It is often not the product itself which causes irregular analysis results but a lack of understanding of the steps which come before the analysis.
  • Reproducibility of Mechanochemical Reactions in the Mixer Mill MM 400

    Reliable results can only be obtained with reliable instruments. The Mixer Mill MM 400 is known for its ease of use and fast grinding in terms of sample preparation prior to quality analysis. Conducting various mechanochemical reactions we have proven that the MM 400 provides reproducible results for both grinding stations with minimal standard deviations between different processes. This is due to the consistent frequency which is stable and reproducible in processes over time. It could also be demonstrated that results obtained with different MM 400 devices are also reproducible.
  • Sieving of agglomerating powders with the air jet sieving machine AS 200 jet

    Air jet sieving is usually the method of choice for dry sieving of materials with particle sizes below 40 microns. However, it is also a faster alternative to vibratory sieving of materials of up to 250 microns.
  • The New Planetary Ball Mill PM 300

    Planetary ball mills meet and exceed all requirements for fast and reproducible grinding to analytical fineness. They are used for the most demanding tasks in the laboratory, from routine sample processing to colloidal grinding and advanced materials development. With the new PM 300 RETSCH has developed a powerful tool which offers high sample throughput combined with ease-of-use.

Referencias de clientes (4)

Informes de pruebas de laboratorio (185)